The Western Anatolia Trade Forum (WA Forum), occurring for the first time this year on June 3-4 at Ahmet Adnan Saygun Art Center, hosted by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, continues to unite industry representatives under the theme of “People, Trade, and Future”.
During the “Energy Sector Investments” session on Monday, June 3 as part of the Forum, Chairman Alper Kalaycı and Board Members TEKSİS Advanced Technologies General Manager Huseyin Devrim, OzEnergy A.Ş. CEO Omer Koc, and Vice Chairman Veli Bilgihan Yaşacan of the Offshore Wind Energy Association (DÜRED) gathered and discussed strategies to enhance the investment climate within the energy sector.
#ENSİA #TemizEnerji #CleanEnergy #WAForum #EgeTicaretVeGelişimZirvesi #WATradeForum #İzmir
Source: Ege Gelişim Zirvesi